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  • Writer's pictureJourney to Finding You!

Happy Birthday Lexi Girl!

It was Lexi's birthday on Easter! We've never had a birthday that shares a holiday and let me tell you - it's hard work! We tried so hard to celebrate Easter and the importance with that holiday all while trying to keep it all about Lexi .... it wore this mama out! Lexi LOVES birthdays even more then I do (and that's a lot!). She had it all planned for 2 weeks, and you better believe we did it all! Per her request: make Easter sugar cookies, decorate the Easter Cookies, make a 3 layer cake, go on an Easter egg hunt, have breakfast for dinner (my kind of girl!), open presents, have grandma and grandpa over for cake, play with toys from gifts! It makes me tired typing it all out.

Oh and let's not forget what I tried to squeeze in - some more family adoption pictures & a video!!! I mean why not right, we were all dressed (and when I say 'we' I mean I did my hair and make-up which doesn't happen much these days)!

I'm sure Ryan loved me by the time pictures and our video was done, butttt they are done! Overall it was one tiring but exciting day. It was so fun to see all the excitement Lexi had all day long. And in her words 'it was the best day ever! except for the fact that COVID was around' Love that girl!

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